Wonder Where to Hold Your Next Client Meeting? Here are Some Interesting Ideas.
Whether you are running a startup or heading a division of a corporate establishment, conducting client meetings is a part of your job. Gone are the days when client meetings were held in office cubicles and office meeting rooms. The formal atmosphere of the office and its austere surrounding does not fascinate the corporate honchos anymore.
If you are one such person who likes to think out of the box and conduct client meetings outside the office, here are some exciting ideas.
- Meeting rooms
: Meeting rooms are workspaces that are designed for conducting small to mid-size meetings. If the meeting is more formal in nature, and there are more people from the client’s side, then hiring a meeting room in Dubai would be the right option.
The main advantage of a meeting room is that you get all the facilities like a projector, LCD monitor, whiteboard, wifi and even video conferencing facilities. Some meeting rooms also offer food and beverages at an extra rate.
- Co-working spaces:
Most of the co-working spaces will have a meeting or conference room that you can hire for conducting meetings. If you are a startup working out of a co-working space in Dubai, then this arrangement would be more convenient.
The meeting room in a co-working space will have all the necessary facilities like projector, LCD monitor and whiteboard. The only drawback of a co-working space meeting room is that, unlike a standard meeting room, space is less. Thus, the meeting can be conducted here only if the number of people is less.
- Restaurant
: If you know the client well and his likes and dislikes, then it is a good idea to conduct the meeting in a restaurant. Both of you will feel more relaxed and informal when the meeting is conducted in a restaurant.
The main advantage of a restaurant is that, unlike a coffee shop, you get the much-needed privacy if you opt for a restaurant with cubicles.
- Client’s home: This depends on the type of business you are into. If you are into personal finance, investment banking, or anything related to home and finance, then it would be a good idea to meet the client in their residence.
The main advantage of arranging a meeting in the client’s house is the privacy it offers. The client does not have to worry about other people getting to know his personal details when the meeting is conducted at home.
- Hotel
: If the client is coming from a faraway place and is staying in a hotel, then you can conduct the meeting in the same hotel itself. You can either opt to meet the client in the coffee shop or the restaurant or choose the conference room for a more formal setting.
Coffee shops in hotel is a good option if the meeting is informal in nature. Since the coffee shops in hotels are open 24/7, there is no time restriction. But the only drawback of coffee shop is lack of privacy. Thus, if you want to discuss confidential matters, then the coffee shop may not be the right choice.If the client is not staying in the hotel, then you can rent out the conference hall and conduct the meeting. This provides a more formal approach to the meeting.
Now, meetings need not be confined to the four walls of your office cubicle or business centres. Depending on the nature of your business and your client’s requirement, you can conduct meetings in any of the above spaces.
Think out of the box and make your client meetings more informal and enjoyable!!