Coworking Spaces,Workspaces

How To Stay Focused in a Coworking Space

In past articles, we have glanced over the power of coworking spaces in the business world and if joining a coworking space is the right choice for you.  In this blog article, we present you with ways to maintain your productivity and make the most out of your coworking experience, with a special nod to how platforms like Fluidmeet can enhance your coworking journey. Coworking spaces have become the go-to choice for freelancers, remote workers, and startups looking for flexibility, networking opportunities, and a professional environment to conduct business. However, staying focused in these dynamic flexspaces can sometimes be a...
Coworking Spaces,Workspaces

How to build company culture remotely?

As a business owner assembling your A-team is a rising challenge but thanks to remote teams, the ability to pick the best-suited people for your company, regardless of locations and time differences,  is easier than ever. Once your A-team is gathered, the last thing you want is to lose them because they're isolated and disengaged from their colleagues. What keeps them together is the company culture present for them to feel as part of the team. The thing about company culture is that it transcends physical spaces, so whether you are working from a desk at home, at your company...